Baselinker Integration
Overview of the Order Workflow – From Entry in Baselinker to Fulfillment in the WMS System
For the integration of orders outlined in this guide, where orders are entered through the Baselinker system and fulfilled in the WMS system, each order must go through the following steps:
Order Entry
The order is entered into the Baselinker system using the order entry window. -
Order Confirmation
After entering the order details, click the “Confirm Order” button. The confirmed order will then move to the “Label Creation” status, where a shipping label will be generated for the selected courier.- If an error occurs during label creation, the order will remain in the “Label Creation” status.
Import to WMS
If the shipment is successfully generated, the order will then move to the “Import to WMS” status, where the WMS system will retrieve the order into its system.- The order fulfillment process will be conducted in the WMS system.
Pending Fulfillment
Once the order is imported into WMS, it will be moved to the “Pending Fulfillment” status in Baselinker.- In the WMS system, it will also appear as “Pending Fulfillment.”
In Progress (Optional)
When the order fulfillment begins in the WMS system, the order will automatically transition to the “In Progress” status in Baselinker and to the “In Progress” status in WMS.- This step is optional.
Order Completion
If the order is fulfilled, it will be moved to the “Completed” status in Baselinker and the “Completed” status in WMS.- In this status, previously created shipping labels are also printed.
- The label will be printed on the default printer assigned to the respective profile in Baselinker.
Baselinker Configuration
1. Order Statuses
This section is dedicated to preparing order statuses in the Baselinker system.
1.1. Status Menu
The first step is to prepare the order statuses. This will allow for the later configuration of automatic actions in both Baselinker and WMS.
To prepare order statuses, log in to the Baselinker system and navigate to the left-hand menu:
- Orders
- Order Statuses
Next, expand the list of statuses.
At the bottom of the list, you will see the "New Status" button. Clicking this will open the status configuration window.
1.2. Status Creator Window
After clicking the "New Status" button, the status creator window will open.
Here, you can configure the following details:
- Status Color
- Basic Name (displayed, for example, on the order list)
- Short Name
- Full Name (status description)
Additionally, you can assign the status to a group.
To prepare Baselinker for integration with the WMS system, the following statuses should be created:
- New Orders
- Order Confirmation
- Label Creation
- Pending Fulfillment
- In Progress
- Completed
- Canceled
1.3. Description of Statuses
Below is an explanation of the individual statuses:
New Orders
This is the default status. It contains all new orders that are currently being prepared (created). -
Label Creation
A transitional status – if the order data has been entered correctly, Baselinker will generate a shipping label for the order.
Note: In case of an error (e.g., incorrect address, courier system issue, etc.), the order will remain in the "Label Creation" status. -
Import to WMS
A transitional status – orders in this status are imported into the WMS system. -
Pending Fulfillment
Orders in this status have been imported into the WMS system and are currently awaiting fulfillment. -
In Progress
An informational status – this status contains orders that are currently being processed. Orders are automatically moved to this status when processing begins in the WMS system. -
This status contains fulfilled orders. Orders are automatically moved to this status upon completion in the WMS system. -
This status contains canceled orders. Orders are automatically moved to this status upon cancellation in the WMS system.
2. Integrations
This section explains how to add a courier integration and configure a label printer.
Integration with a courier and a label printer is required.
2.1. Integration Menu
To manage integrations, log in to the Baselinker system and select the "Integrations" button from the left-hand menu.
2.2. Adding an Integration
To add a new integration, while in the integration menu, click the "Add Integration" button.
2.3. Courier Integration
After clicking the button to add an integration, select the appropriate courier integration from the list.
For example, we will use the integration with the courier DPD PL.
After selecting the courier, complete the form with the required details. The form includes fields such as:
- Account Name (any name of your choice)
- API Login and Password
- Numkat
- Company Information
Once the integration is saved, generating labels will be possible from the order creation panel.
2.4. Printer Integration
After clicking the button to add an integration, select the appropriate printer integration from the list.
In the configuration window, you will have access to the print key and the option to download the "Baselinker Printer" application, which is required for printing labels.
Before proceeding with the integration setup, download and install the application.
After downloading and installing the software, launch the application to continue with the setup.
Once launched, click the Settings button.
Here, you can enter the print key available on the configuration page.
Copy the print key and paste it into the "BaseLinker Printer" application.
Select the default printer for your computer/workstation.
Additionally, we recommend enabling the auto-start option for the application when the system starts.
The final step is to set the active printer in the integration panel.
After completing the configuration, click the Save button.
Note: If multiple workstations and printers are used, the "BaseLinker Printer" software must be installed on a server with all required printers configured. In the list of active printers, ensure all printers used in the order fulfillment process are marked.
3. Automatic Actions
This section is dedicated to configuring automatic actions in the Baselinker system.
3.1. Automatic Actions Menu
To configure automatic actions, log in to the Baselinker system and navigate to the left-hand menu:
- Orders
- Order Statuses
In this view, you can see a list of currently created (active and inactive) automatic actions.
To add a new automatic action, click the "Add Automatic Action" button.
3.2. Automatic Actions Creator Window
After clicking the button, the automatic actions creator window will appear.
In this window, you can configure automatic actions.
The window is divided into two sections:
- The left section contains the condition.
- The right section contains the actions to execute if the condition is met.
3.3. List of Required Automatic Actions for Setting Up Baselinker and WMS Integration
Below is a list of required automatic actions for configuring the integration between Baselinker and WMS.
The actions are presented in text form, divided into conditions and actions to be performed, along with screenshots showing how each action should appear in the creator window.
1. Order Confirmation
Actions to Perform
2. Label Creation and Importing Order into WMS
Actions to Perform
3. Completing the Fulfillment and Printing the Label
Actions to Perform
3.1. Automatic Actions for Multiple Printers
If multiple printers are used for label printing (e.g., each workstation has its own label printer), the automatic action for printing labels (from the "Completed" status) should be modified as follows:
Additional Field – "Additional Field 2"
Actions to Perform
Note: The above automatic action should be duplicated for each printer!
WMS Configuration
1. E-commerce Settings
1.1. Opening the E-commerce Integration Settings Window
To configure integration with the Baselinker system, follow these steps:
From the top menu bar, select "Settings", then click on "E-commerce Settings", marked with a blue shopping cart icon.
The next step is to click the button corresponding to the Baselinker integration configuration.
1.2. Baselinker Integration Configuration Window
After completing the above steps, the following window will appear:
To add a new integration, click the "Add" button.
Next, enter the basic configuration for the integration.
For the integration to work, you must enter the Baselinker API token. You can find this token in your account settings. The following steps explain how to access the appropriate menu:
1.3. Importing Orders into WMS
To ensure WMS correctly retrieves orders from Baselinker, you need to set the default order folder.
In the "Order Retrieval" tab, enter the folder ID from which orders will be imported into the WMS system.
In our example, we use a folder named "Import to WMS" with ID 218603.
All orders moved to the "Import to WMS" folder in Baselinker will be transferred to this status. If your configuration followed the previous steps, importing into WMS will only be possible if a shipping label has been correctly generated.
You can find folder/status IDs in the address bar:
Or in the status configuration window:
Alternatively, retrieve the list of folders in the WMS system by clicking the "Folders" button in the order retrieval configuration window:
We also recommend enabling the option "Retrieve only paid and cash-on-delivery orders" to avoid importing empty or invalid orders.
1.4. Order Statuses
In this window, you can configure order statuses and automate their transfer to the appropriate folders in Baselinker. You can use multiple rules, but for this example, we use one or two rules.
The examples below utilize our folder IDs from the Baselinker system.
Status: "Pending"
Orders imported into the WMS system are moved to this status.
- In the "From" field, leave it blank to select all orders without a status.
- In the "To" field, select the Baselinker status from which orders will be processed. In our case, this is the folder "Pending Fulfillment" with ID 216885.
Status: "In Progress"
This is a transitional status that indicates the order is being processed. Orders in the "Pending" status are moved here after selecting "Create Release Without Confirmation" in the WMS system.
- In the "From" field, enter the folder ID, such as for "Pending Fulfillment". In our case, this is ID 216885.
- In the "To" field, enter the folder ID for "In Progress", which in our case is ID 216886.
Note: The "In Progress" status is optional in Baselinker and can be skipped. To do so, the folder IDs should remain the same as for the "Pending" status.
Status: "Completed"
This status contains completed orders.
- In the "From" field, enter the folder ID for "Completed", which in our case is ID 216887.
- The "To" field does not require additional values.
Status: "Canceled"
This status contains canceled orders.
To avoid integration errors, we recommend using two rules:
- From folder "Pending Fulfillment" (ID: 216885) to folder "Canceled" (ID: 216895).
- From folder "In Progress" (ID: 216886) to folder "Canceled" (ID: 216895).
Note: To ensure Baselinker correctly selects printers for specific workstations, enable the following option:
This option will add the printer name to the selected "Additional Field". This allows the automatic action described in section 3.4 of the Baselinker configuration to work effectively.
You can choose from the following options:
- Additional Field 1
- Additional Field 2
- Order Comment/Notes
We recommend using "Additional Field 2" for most users.
1.5. Setting Catalogs and Warehouse IDs
The final step in configuring the integration is setting the product catalog and warehouse IDs.
To find the catalog ID, go to the product settings in Baselinker.
From the top menu, select "Catalogs".
Click the three-dot menu next to the desired catalog, then select "Edit Catalog". In this example, we use the default catalog.
The catalog ID is located in the lower-left corner of the edit window.
To find the warehouse ID, go to the product settings in Baselinker.
From the top menu, select "Warehouses".
Click the three-dot menu next to the desired warehouse, then select "Edit Warehouse". In this example, we use the default warehouse.
The warehouse ID is located in the lower-left corner of the edit window.
2. WMS Print Settings
2.1. Adding an External Printer
If multiple printers are used in the Baselinker system, it is necessary to add an external printer in the WMS system.
Follow these steps to add an external printer:
- From the WMS menu on the left-hand side, select "Settings" and then "Other".
- In the "Other" section, navigate to "Print Servers".
- From the top menu under the "Operations" tab, select "Add Print Server".
- After clicking the "Add Print Server" button, the following window will appear:
- In the "Name" field, enter the name of the printer. Printer names should be easy to remember and help identify the packing stations.
- The printer names should match those prepared in Section 3.4 of the Baselinker Configuration.
Note: To ensure proper integration, make sure to select the "External" option.
2.2. WMS Print Server Configuration
Note: The WMS Print Server works only when orders are released using the "Document Verification" option.
2.2.1. Preparing the WMS System and Print Server
Follow these steps to properly set up the WMS system and the WMS Print Server:
Download the WMS Print Server
Download the WMS Print Server from the following link:
WMS Print Server Download
Select the version that matches the currently installed version of the WMS system.
Extract the server files to your chosen location. -
Install Foxit PDF Reader
Download and install Foxit PDF Reader.
This software is required for proper label retrieval. Foxit does not need to be running for the print server to function correctly.
- Configure the Print Server
Open the "appsettings.json" file located in the WMS Print Server folder (refer to Step 1).
Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to open the file.
- Use CTRL+F to locate the line "Setting" and enter the following WMS user details (enclosed in quotation marks):
"ApiURL": "Your WMS API Address"
, available from your WMS administrator."User": "WMS Login"
"Password": "WMS Password"
Note: We recommend creating a separate WMS account for the print server.
- Use CTRL+F to locate the line "FoxitReader" and input the path to the Foxit PDF Reader program.
- The default path is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit PDF Reader\FoxitPDFReader.exe"
. - Replace all backslashes (
) with forward slashes (/
), resulting in:
"C:/Program Files (x86)/Foxit Software/Foxit PDF Reader/FoxitPDFReader.exe"
- The default path is:
- Use CTRL+F to locate the line "Printers" and configure the following:
"Name": "Printer Name in WMS"
– Refer to Section 2.1 for printer setup. -
"SystemName": "Printer Name in Windows"
– Obtain this name through the following steps:- Open Windows Settings.
- Go to Bluetooth & Devices.
- Select Printers & Scanners.
Change the value of
- Save the
file (use CTRL+S).
2.2.5. Configuring Baselinker Integration in WMS
- Log in to the WMS system with administrator privileges.
- Navigate to:
- Settings
- E-commerce Settings
- Edit the existing integration by clicking "Edit".
- In the Order Retrieval tab, select the option "Retrieve Package Labels as Attachments".
- Save the changes by clicking "Save".
2.2.6. Configuring Application Settings in WMS
- Navigate to:
- Settings
- Application Settings
- In the Order Release tab, enable the option "Validation - printout of attachments from the order".
- Save the changes by clicking "Save".
2.2.7. Running the WMS Print Server
The WMS Print Server can be launched in two ways:
- As a terminal window – Run the "Weaver.Wms.PrintServer" application (refer to Step 1).
- As a Windows service – Follow these steps:
- Open the PowerShell terminal in Windows.
Enter the following command:
New-Service -Name "Weaver WMS - Print Server" -BinaryPathName "Path to Weaver.Wms.PrintServer.exe"
Press Windows+R, type "services.msc", and press Enter to open the Windows Services window.
- Locate the "Weaver WMS - Print Server" service in the list.
- Right-click the service, select "Start", and confirm.
The print server will now start automatically without requiring a command prompt.