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Integration with Subiekt GT

Integration Files for Subiekt GT -- Download

Check out the post about the add-on on our website (link)

In order to test the integration with subiekt nexo, you need to create a demo version Click here to learn how to create a demo version thanks to it you will receive link to the instance and login credentials.


To begin, you need to create a User for ERP integration to do so, go to the settings tab and then Users.


After downloading the integration files, extract and place anywhere on your disk and open the folderIt should look like this:.


To start configuring the connection between Subiekt Nexo and Weaver WMS, you need to find and run the file using a text editor appsettings.json you will find at the beginning of it the settings of wms and subiekt gt:


Name in fileWhat to enter?
Urllink to the instance which you will receive at registration
Loginlogin to the user we created for the integration
Passwordpassword for the user we created for the integration
Name in fileWhat to enter?
DatabaseServerAddress to the database server
DatabaseUserDatabase user login
DatabasePasswordDatabase user password
DatabaseNameThe name of the Subiekt Nexo database
UserNameUser login to Subiekt Nexo
UserPasswordUser password to Subiekt Nexo

If we have set everything up we can look for the following file in the integration folder: Weaver.Wms.Subiekt.Service.exe and then run it.


The system console should start up and if no error occurs it should look like this:


Descriptions of the meaning of variables in appsettings.json

"IntervalInSec": 10,Number of seconds between intervals.
"DefaultSubiektWarehouseId": 2,Selection of the default warehouse.
"DaysBack": 1,Number of days back from which documents are taken for integration.
"CreateWarehouseEffectOnDeliveryDocumentIfFinished": true,Upon completion of the receipt document in WMS, the document in Subiekt GT is completed.
"DownloadFromSubiektToWms": true,Downloading documents from Subiekt to WMS.
"ConsiderAdvisedWarehouse": true,Consideration of the advised warehouse in the WMS system.
"UpdateDocumentInSubiektWhenDocumentInWmsIsFinished": true,Updating the document in Subiekt when it is completed in WMS.
"UpdateQuantityPositionsBeforeConfirmDocument": true,Update the quantity of positions before the document is confirmed.
"DocumentDefinition": "PZ",Definition of the document.
"WmsTargetType": "DeliveryDocument",Target document type in WMS.
"WmsSourceType": "DeliveryDocument",Source document type in WMS.
"SubiektSourceType": 10,Source document type in Subiekt.
"SubiektTargetType": 10,Target document type in Subiekt.
Selects documents only when the "fwl_IdFlagi" column has the value "1009".
Marks the document as "synchronized" when the synchronization is complete.
"FinshedDocumentFlagName": "Zrealizowano w WMS",Name of the flag in Subiekt GT for the document completed in WMS.
"DownloadShippingOrderFromSubiektToWmsAsShippingDocument": false,Send a Subiekt order document to WMS as an outbound delivery document.
"BlockedCourierShippingIfCod": true,Block shipment generation if it is "cash on delivery".
"CreateSubiektWarchouseDocumentToOrder": true,Create a warehouse document for the order in WMS.
"CreateReservation": true,Create a reservation in WMS.
"SendOnlyFinshiedDocumentsToSubiekt": trueSend only documents with the "Completed" status.

Ultimately, you can run the integration as a service on your windows system to do this, use this command in the PowerShell console
New-Service -Name "Subiekt GT Integration" -BinaryPathName 'C:\Program Files\Weaver Software\Weaver\Weaver.Wms.Subiekt.Service.exe'